Rebuilding My Life

I met Tracey at a networking event for women. At that particular time I was going through divorce proceedings and still having to live in the marital home with my ex whilst working from there too developing my business.  I really felt as if I was stumbling around in the dark during this time often feeling stuck and very uncertain about my future. It was apparent that the financial proceeds from the divorce would not allow me the luxury of buying a home outright and neither would I be likely to have any maintenance payments as a clean break agreement was being sought. Being self-employed I believed that I had limited choices as to how I could move myself forward and feeling frustrated and fearful I’d got to a point where I couldn’t face paying attention to my future financial responsibilities.  I believed I was facing the probability of using up a fair amount of any capital on rent for somewhere for myself and son to live for the foreseeable future and the very real possibility that in order to survive I might therefore have to sacrifice my business and find a steady source of reliable income.

Another good friend had benefited enormously from Tracey’s advice and had recommended that I chat through my situation with her. I have to be totally honest here and say that stupid as it may sound, unless that good friend had suggested it I don’t know that I might have sought the advice of a financial professional at all, so locked was I in the belief that only limited help would be available for me. I’m so glad I did. Tracey’s financial advice literally turned my world around and with her help I was able explore a possibility that I had not thought would be open to me particularly in the current economic climate – that of obtaining a mortgage as a single self-employed female! Step by step Tracey’s empathetic approach helped me to understand how I could make my financial resources work for me. We were able to examine various scenarios and future possibilities. I began to feel as if I could take control of my ‘financial monster’ and get back in the driving seat of my life again.

Tracey’s support in identifying a suitable mortgage and her encouragement helped me through the journey of finding and purchasing a property that I’m really proud to call home and the place from which I am also happy to work. Feeling much more secure I’ve moved forward to my future and am still able to continue my business. I’m very happy to say that to this day I continue to value her experience and advice so that I may continue to make informed financial choices and that I feel a lot less fearful about managing money.

Bernay Laity Colour Psychologist